First Constitution of Libertatem

From Libertatem

First Constitution of Libertatem[edit | edit source]

We, the nations of Libertatem, establish this constitution to ensure security, justice, and greatest of all, liberty, for ourselves and the future and to stay the course of defeating communism and socialism so that all nations may have true liberty.

Article I Legislative[edit | edit source]

Section I

Subsection I

The Board shall consist of eight nations. These nations, except the Managers, shall be chosen through popular elections. If an impeachment is successful, a new election shall be held.

Subsection II

Three of these nations shall have executive authorities and titles of “Manager of Military Affairs”, “Manager of Internal Affairs”, and “Manager of the State”.

Subsection III

The Board shall have the authority to declare war, create peace, and check the power of the President when it deems fit through petition and redress, as well as a popular vote among the various Board Members and Managers.

Subsection IV

The Board must choose among them, via votes to the founder as well as the Regional Message Board, a “Chairman”, which shall act as the general leader of the appointed representatives.

Subsection Subsection I

The Chairman of the Board shall serve as the primary adviser to the President and Founder when an executive decision is being considered, and shall exercise the position on behalf of the board as a whole.

Subsection V

The Board, its members, and the Managers may not propose taxation or a budget of any kind in the name of the region, nor may they attempt to create legislation outside the realm of embassies, war, peace, and the check of President power.

Subsection VI

The members of the Board, including the Managers, shall have 24 hours to submit their vote to the founder.

Section II

Subsection I

The House of Representatives shall consist of all nations in Libertatem not vested with a legislatoral position.

Subsection II

A vote of no confidence in an appointed Board member or Manager may be undertaken via the House of Representatives. This shall be the power of impeachment.

Subsection III

The House has the power to impeach any member of the Board, the Managers or the President, but not the founder. An impeachment can be called for with the approval of half of the House. Impeaching a member of the Board or Managers requires 2/3 of the House to vote for impeachment, and a unanimous vote to impeach the President.

Subsection IV

The House shall make any law for the region it sees fit to be vetoed or approved by the founder or President; the bill having a simple majority of the nations who voted for or against it in order to become law.

Subsection V

Subsection Subsection I

The House of Representatives has three days (72 hours) to vote on standard legislation.

Subsection Subsection II

This is extended to five days (120 hours) for attaining the necessary 1/3 needed to pass a constitutional amendment.

Subsection Subsection III

Any member nation may request another day (24 hours) to be added to the vote. This may be done a total of three times on any given piece of legislation.

Article II Executive[edit | edit source]

Section I

Subsection I

The Executive branch of Libertatem shall consist of the founder, the President, and the Managers (who shall also retain legislative capabilities).

Subsection II

The founder shall retain the supreme executive authority in the region. When a matter is deemed a tie, is very close, or is predictable, the founder may use executive authority to resolve the issue in any manner that should be deemed the greatest good of the region. This executive authority extends to all powers over the legislative branch and the security of the region.

Subsection Subsection I

The founder may create, approve, disapprove, abolish, etc. embassies with any region.

Subsection III

The President shall hold the power of the founder, but only at the discretion of the founder. The founder may restrict, or veto, the President’s power, or choose to share more privileges. The Presidency is attained by having the majority of endorsements, as legally mandated by tri-annual popular elections.

Subsection Subsection I

The President may create, approve, disapprove, abolish, etc. embassies with any region.

Subsection IV

The Manager of Military Affairs shall cooperate with the founder and the President regarding military strategies and organization of military tactics, excluding role playing.

Subsection V

The Manager of Internal Affairs shall cooperate with the founder and the President regarding the keeping of peace, harmony, and cohesion within the region through means solely approved of by the founder.

Subsection VI

The Manager of the State shall cooperate with the founder and the President regarding all non-military foreign affairs with alien regions and nations excluding role playing.

Article III Judiciary[edit | edit source]

Section I

Subsection I

The government of Libertatem shall have an Attorney General, appointed by the founder, who shall make cases when needed for the government based on existing laws and this constitution.

Subsection II

Either the Attorney General or the People's Attorney may call into question the constitutionality of any legislation besides the constitution itself. It may also call into question the legality of any member nation's actions. Upon doing so, it will be passed to the Board.

Section II

The Board (not including the Managers) will, by a simple majority vote, decide whether the legislation in question is or is not constitutional (or whether the nation should or should not be charged with violation of the law). In the event of a tie, the Chairman's vote will be the deciding vote. The decision of the Board on these matters are final and considered constitutional law, and may only be overturned by a constitutional amendment.

Article IV Amendments[edit | edit source]

Section I

This constitution may be amended in two out of three of the following ways.

Subsection I

The founder seeks an amendment to the constitution.

Subsection II

The Board, the Managers, and the President all seek an amendment to the constitution.

Subsection III

The House of Representatives may seek an amendment with 2/3 of the Representatives voting.

Section II

The founder shall have the power to make adjustments and edits to the constitution for the purposes of efficiency. This power shall extend until the constitution is made agreeable. It, the power, shall expire two months after the creation of the constitution.

Article V Suspension[edit | edit source]

Section I

Subsection I

In the event of invasion or imminent security threats to the region, this constitution may be suspended by the founder until said threat is defeated or deemed no longer a threat.

Subsection II

A threat is defined as imminent destruction to the region’s population, spam on the RMB, illegal recruitment telegrams, any coup that uses communist/socialist forces for aide.

Section II

The President may suspend this constitution with six of eight approvals from the Board and the Managers provided the threat follows the definition in Article V, Section I, Subsection II.

Article VI Approval[edit | edit source]

Section I

This constitution shall be approved with a two thirds majority of the Board Members and Managers. Their votes shall be inscribed on this constitution, whether they voted for or against it.

Article VII Rights[edit | edit source]

Section I

Subsection I

The government shall make no law enforcing an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Subsection II

All nations may retain the power of weaponry, or arms, in order to secure the liberty of the state and it’s people. No law shall be made restricting the ownership of said weapons.

Subsection III

No nation shall be investigated without suspicion or probable cause.

Subsection IV

Every citizen nation or former citizen nation has a right to represent him or herself in a trial or case when banjection is considered. If the case is made to the founder and on the Regional Message Board using legal authority, suppression will not follow.

Subsection V

All nations are entitled to the liberties that can be provided. Liberty shall not be infringed upon without probable cause and legal justification.

Subsection VI

All the powers not designated to the Regional Government, belong to the nations respectively.

Subsection VII

Nations have a right to form and keep any form of government they so choose, as long as said government does not infringe upon the rights of other Libertatem nations and is in no way allied with the forces of socialism and communism. The founder retains the power to make exceptions for this rule.

Article VIII Anti-Communism[edit | edit source]

Section I

Subsection I

The factbook of Libertatem founder Liberosia shall be used as a precedent in accordance with the manner in which the region’s politics shall be carried out.

Subsection II

This speech, although not directed at the nations of Libertatem, rather the people of Liberosia, retains full legal capabilities.

Subsection III

Citizens of Liberosia, All forms of totalitarianism in our country have been abolished. The private sector makes a massive majority of our economy and we are thriving as a nation. However, there still exists nations dedicated to government power, and although the game of NationStates does not allow them to progress to their natural state of totalitarianism, we know from history that this ideology is the cause of much suffering and death. In this light, The Confederacy of Liberosia hereby declares war on communism. We will help any nation/region who wishes to pursue this war on communism by means of puppets, traditional warfare, and deception. This all in the name of a free people trying to pursue a free market. In case of invasion of our region, all radically leftist nations who are WA delegates will be ejected and banned to insure the security and stability of the region. Nations only moderately leftist will be permitted to enter the region without fear of banishment. Because we wish to further this cause effectively, the capitalist nations will be forced to ally with the fascist nations. In this light, fascist nations will not be ejected from the region, but we maintain this region is inherently capitalist, not fascist. If a fascist nation comes to power, spams, or otherwise disrupts the stability of our region, he or she will be ejected and banned. The Confederacy of Liberosia notes that it will be shunned by even capitalist regions/nations. It could encounter hostility from a variety of different regions. It is doubtful that our region will grow at the same rate as other more neutral regions. We will most probably remain stagnate. We will encounter ridicule, and mockery. However, we will shoulder all of these. To any nation reading this, if you are anti-communist, if you believe in free people and free markets, if you don't want to see the communists take power now or ever, you have a home in Libertatem. Thank you




Conservative idealism


Independent states of america





Amendments to the Constitution[edit | edit source]

Article I

LinkThe BOARD Amendment

Authored by Conservative idealism

Section I

Purpose Clarification of this proposal's purpose: Subsection I To offer the Board and its Chairman more specific roles in the management of Libertatem.

Subsection II

To grant the Board the power of Judicial Review.

Subsection III

To abridge the constitution such that the Manager of Recruitment and Internal Affairs is, more concisely, the Manager of Internal Affairs.

Subsection IV

To create a timeline for votes from the House of Representatives.

Section II

Modifications to the Manager Roles Subsection I The Manager of Recruitment and Internal Affairs shall be reclassified as the Manager of Internal Affairs.

Subsection II

The Manager of Internal Affairs does not possess the responsibility to recruit new nations into the region. He retains his duties in maintaining and managing the region's internal affairs.

Section III

Modifications to the Board Roles

Subsection I

The Chairman of the Board shall serve as the primary adviser to the Delegate and Founder when an executive decision is being considered, and shall exercise the position on behalf of the board as a whole.

Subsection II

Each nominal Board Member shall be granted one of the following unique roles by the founder: - Imperial Representative, granted the privilege of a seat in the Imperial Congress. - Recruitment Specialist, granted the responsibility of leading the region's recruitment efforts and organizing member nations to assist in bringing in new nations. - People's Attorney, a position meant to defend the rights of the region's non-government citizens. This particular position can be recalled by the House of Representatives. - Political Specialist, granted the loose duty of ensuring nations are active in the political party process. Subsection III The Board has the power of Judicial Review (see below). Should there be a vacancy in the Board, the Attorney General shall have the power to appoint a member to that position.

Section IV Powers of Judicial Review Subsection I Either the Attorney General or the People's Attorney may call into question the constitutionality of any legislation besides the constitution itself. It may also call into question the legality of any member nation's actions. Upon doing so, it will be passed to the Board. Subsection II The Board will, by a simple majority vote, decide whether the legislation in question is or is not constitutional (or whether the nation should or should not be charged with violation of the law). In the event of a tie, the Chairman's vote will be the deciding vote. The decision of the Board on these matters are final and considered constitutional law, and may only be overturned by a constitutional amendment.

Section V Timeline for House Decisions Subsection I The House of Representatives has three days (72 hours) to vote on standard legislation. Subsection II This is extended to five days (120 hours) for attaining the necessary 1/3 needed to pass a constitutional amendment. Subsection III Any member nation may request another day (24 hours) to be added to the vote. This may be done a total of three times on any given piece of legislation.

Article II The FREE Amendment Authored by Conservative idealism Fair Removal of Extraneous Expressions Act Section I Purpose Clarification of this proposal's purpose: Subsection I To eliminate the position of Vice WA Delegate in order to streamline government efficiency. Subsection II To remove overly wordy clauses from the constitution. Subsection III To remove potential loopholes from the constitution. Section II Modifications to Government Positions Subsection I The Vice WA Delegate position will be discontinued. Subsection II The sole ability of the position - to break ties - will be reassigned to the WA Delegate. Section III Modifications to Constitutional Wording - Constitution A1S1SS7 will change the wording "Board Member shall be granted" to "Board Member may be granted". - Constitution A1S2SS3 will remove the wording "or Vice WA Delegate". - Constitution A2S1SS1 will remove the wording "the Vice WA Delegate,". - Constitution A2S1SS4 will be removed (and the subsections preceding bumped up by one). - Constitution A4S1SS2 will change the wording ", the WA Delegate, and the Vice WA Delegate" to ", and the WA Delegate". - Constitution A7S1SS1 will change the wording "respecting an establishment" to "enforcing an establishment" in order to permit government officials to express their religious views. - Constitution A7S1SS3 will remove the wording "by Internal Affairs" to avoid exploitation by other government officials. Article III LinkHouse of Representatives Reform Amendment Authored by Pevvania

Section I Purpose of this amendment. To reform the House of Representatives to prevent vote inflation within the legislative process, to streamline the legislative process, to encourage efficiency and to create a fairer legislative system. Section II Provisions. Citizens must declare their membership in the House of Representatives to an Executive before participating in legislative activities. The passage of amendments may henceforth require the vote of two thirds of the House, or through the other means described in the Constitution. Representatives of the House may only be allocated one vote each for a piece of legislation, and may not use any other puppet nations to artificially inflate the number of votes for or against a piece of legislation. Puppets may only be used in the case of standing in for an absent legislator. A puppet of another nation within Libertatem already a member of the Board may not also become a member of the Board.

Section III Enforcement. If a legislator is found to have violated Section II of this amendment, disbarment from one of the, or both, chambers of the legislature may be invoked by a simple majority vote in the Board of Directors. Disbarment may only be repealed via executive order.

Section IV Clauses to be amended.

Article I Section II Subsection I The House of Representatives shall consist of any number of nations who volunteer to either the President or the Founder.

Article IV Section I Subsection III The House of Representatives may seek an amendment with 2/3 of the House.

Article IV LinkThe ELECT Amendment Authored by Pevvania Section I Purpose of this amendment. To redistribute government power to the citizens of Libertatem, to liberalise the region's core legislative institution and to recreate the Board as an elected body for the people, by the people and of the people. Section II Provisions of this amendment. Henceforth, all five non-managerial seats on the Board are to be held to account by the People of Libertatem for three complete days between the 25th and 27th every third month of the year. Each seat is to be designated Seat 1, Seat 2, Seat 3, Seat 4 and Seat 5. All votes are to be sent to the President or other designated officials. Any number of candidates may run for election to any seat. The candidate, per each seat, with the largest number of votes wins. Each Board member may be elected to an unlimited number of three-month terms, which will begin on the first of the first month and end on the final day of the third month. If a Board member leaves office for any reason, a two-day special election shall occur to determine what nation will finish the rest of the member's term. Before the new Board member is chosen, the President may appoint an acting Board member to occupy the seat, or leave the position vacant. Board Members only occupy one position as a public official at a time. Elections are to begin at the discretion of the executive.

Section III

Clauses to be amended.

Article I[edit | edit source]

Section I

Subsection I

The Board shall consist of eight nations. These nations, except the Managers, shall be chosen through popular elections. If an impeachment is successful, a new election shall be held.

Section II

Subsection II

A vote of no confidence in a Board member or Manager may be undertaken via the House of Representatives. This shall be the power of impeachment.

Article V[edit | edit source]

Link The Presidents' Amendment

Authored by Pevvania

Section I

Purpose of this amendment.

To introduce fixed elections for the Delegate, who shall henceforth be known as the President, in order to prevent corrupt polling and to empower the citizens of Libertatem to elect their leader.

Section II

Provisions of this amendment.

The Delegate shall henceforth be known as the President of Libertatem, and all previous Delegates are to be retroactively bequeathed that title.

Every four months, popular, region-wide elections are to be held for the position of President.

These Presidential elections are to fixed, and held for 3 days in the later part of every month before a new Presidential term begins.

Votes are to be sent to an official designated by the President. The candidate with the largest number of votes wins the election.

If election results are found to be indecisive, the election may be extended until a sufficient number of votes has been attained for a candidate.

A single Presidential term is to last four months, and will begin and end on the First of every January, April and August.

'Market elections', the election of a Delegate through unorganised or sudden mass endorsement, are henceforth outlawed in order to prevent illegal coups and foreign attacks.

In the event that the President is removed from office mid-term, the Chairman of the Board is to be appointed President to serve the rest of their predecessor's term.

In the event that the President has corrupted the office, abused their power or otherwise broken the laws of the region, an impeachment vote may be called by the approval of half of the House, needing a unanimous vote to secure an impeachment.

Section III

Clauses to be amended. [All references in the Constitution to the WA Delegate are to be replaced with 'President'.]

[Article I= Section II

Subsection III

The House has the power to impeach any member of the Board, the Managers or the President, but not the founder. An impeachment can be called for with the approval of half of the House. Impeaching a member of the Board or Managers requires 2/3 of the House to vote for impeachment, and a unanimous vote to impeach the President.

Article II[edit | edit source]

Section I

Subsection III

The President shall hold the power of the founder, but only at the discretion of the founder. The founder may restrict, or veto, the President’s power, or choose to share more privileges. The Presidency is attained by having the majority of endorsements, as legally mandated by tri-annual popular elections.

Article VI[edit | edit source]

Link House of Representatives Restoration and Reform Amendment

Authored by Pevvania

Section I

Purpose of this amendment. To reform the House of Representatives to increase efficiency, return power to the nations of Libertatem and to repeal specified provisions of the HOREF Amendment.

Section II

Alterations of the HOREF Amendment. Provision I is to be repealed, and replaced with "The House of Representatives shall consist of all nations in Libertatem not vested with a legislatoral position." Provision II is to be altered so "The passage of amendments may henceforth require the vote of two thirds of voting Representatives, or through the other means described in the Constitution."

Section III

Clauses to be amended of the Constitution.

Article I[edit | edit source]

Section II

Subsection I

The House of Representatives shall consist of all nations in Libertatem not vested with a legislatoral position.

Article IV[edit | edit source]

Section I

Subsection III

The House of Representatives may seek an amendment with 2/3 of the Representatives voting.

Article VII[edit | edit source]

The VEEP Amendment

Authored by Humpheria

Section I

Purpose of the law

Subsection I

To more clearly define the line of succession

Subsection II

To create an executive adviser to the President

Subsection III

Outline selection process

Section II

Creation of the Office of the Vice President

Subsection I

Henceforth the second-most Libertatem official shall be known as Vice President

Subsection II

The Vice President can serve any other government position

Subsection III

In the event that the President is not available, the Vice President shall act as Executive

Subsection IV

The President may change the Vice President by majority approval vote

Subsection V

In the event that the President is temporarily incapacitated, the Vice President shall become temporary President

Subsection VI

Should the President resign or be impeached, the Vice President shall serve the remainder of his term.

Section III

Line of Presidential Succession

Subsection I

The Vice President shall become the first in the Presidential Line of Succession, Chairman second, Manager of Internal Affairs, Manager of Military Affairs, Manager of State, and Members of the Board descending from Seat One.

Subsection II

In the event that the Vice President becomes temporary President, all executive decisions are subject to change at the return of normalcy

Section IV

Selection of Vice President

Subsection I

The Vice President shall be selected by each respective candidate prior to the election

Subsection II

The Vice President shall be elected concurrently with the President by the people

Section V


Subsection I

Hereby removes "In the event that the President is removed from office mid-term, the Chairman of the Board is to be appointed President to serve the rest of their predecessor's term." from the president's amendment Section II.

Article VIII

Link The TERM Amendment

Authored by Humpheria

Section I


Clarification of this proposal's purpose:

Subsection I

To amend the span of the term of members of the Board

Subsection II

To clarify the dispute of term limits

Subsection III

To clarify the question of election inactivity

Section II

Amending the span of the term of members of the Board

Subsection I

The term span of Board members will be changed from three months to one month

Subsection II

The election will take place between the 25th and 27th day of each month The election of each Board member shall occur during any span of time between the 20th and final day of each month, provided that a sufficient and equal amount of time is allocated for the election of each Seat

Subsection III

In the event that a member leave for any reason there will be a special two-day election

Subsection IV

The President, Founder, Board or other deputised official will organise the finer details and rules of Board Elections.

Section III

Clarify the dispute of term limits

Subsection I

There shall be no term limit for any member of the Board

Subsection II

All nations are eligible for multiple terms

Section IV

Clarify the question of election inactivity

Subsection I

In the event that no challenger step forward for a seat, the incumbent is the victor

Subsection II

In the event that no votes are cast, the incumbents are victorious

Subsection III

In the event that no nations step forward for a seat and the incumbent is not running, the President will appoint a nation to fill the position

Article IX[edit | edit source]

Link Amendment to the TERM Amendment

Authored by Pevvania

Changes "The election will take place between the 25th and 27th day of each month" to "The election of each Board member shall occur during any span of time between the 20th and final day of each month, provided that a sufficient and equal amount of time is allocated for the election of each Seat. The President, Founder, Board or other deputised official will organise the finer details and rules of Board Elections."

Article X[edit | edit source]

DOOR Amendment

Authored by Pevvania

The Founder, President or other designated official may eject and ban any nation, that is not a citizen or former citizen, deemed an enemy combatant. An enemy combatant may be classified as any nation or player that seeks to intentionally harm the region through military actions, espionage or any other activity that is deliberately destructive against the region. The Board holds the power to reverse any ban made by the executive by a 4/5ths majority vote.


Article VII Subsection IV

Every nation has a right to represent him or herself in a trial or case when banjection is considered. If the case is made to the founder and on the Regional Message Board using legal authority, suppression will not follow.


Subsection IV

Every citizen nation or former citizen nation has a right to represent him or herself in a trial or case when banjection is considered. If the case is made to the founder and on the Regional Message Board using legal authority, suppression will not follow.

Article XI[edit | edit source]

The Impeachment Amendment

Authored by Pevvania

Section I

The President, Vice President and all civil officers of Libertatem, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, abuse of power, or other high crimes and misdemeanors, through two out of the following three ways

Subsection I

The Founder seeks to impeach the President

Subsection II

A 4/5ths majority of the Board seeks to impeach the President

Subsection III

Two thirds of voting members of the House of Representatives seek to impeach the President

Article XII[edit | edit source]

The House Citizenship Reform Amendment

Authored by Pevvania


Section II

Subsection I

The House of Representatives shall consist of all nations in Libertatem not vested with a legislatoral position.


Section II

Subsection I

The House of Representatives shall consist of all citizens in Libertatem, except the President and members of the Board.

Article XIII[edit | edit source]

The Bureaucratic Restrictions Amendment

Authored by Lack there of

Section I

Purpose of the Act

Subsection I

Redefine protocol for removing managers

Subsection II

Creating deputy positions

Subsection III

Establishing deputy appointment protocol

Subsection IV

Establishing deputy removal protocol

Section II

Defining managerial removal protocols

Subsection I

Reaffirms the protocols for managerial impeachment outlined in Section ll, subsections ii and iii within the Constitution of Libertatem

Section III

Creates Bureaucratic deputy positions

Subsection I

Each manager shall be given the authority to bestow the title of “Deputy Manager” on no more than two nations not already vested with an executive position

Subsection II

Each deputy manager shall be vested with the duties and responsibilities given to them by their respective manager. These may include, but are not limited to recording details, helping to maintain diplomatic relations, providing military assistance to the region, ect.

Subsection III

To be an eligible candidate for appointment to deputy manager a nation must have citizenship in Libertatem at time of appointment.

Subsection IV

Managers are required to keep a list of all active deputies in their department’s fact book entry

Section IV

Creates Deputy Removal Protocols

Subsection I

A manager may dismiss their deputies at any time with the distinction between an honorable discharge and a dishonorable discharge.

Subsection II

The president, or founder shall also reserve the rights to dismiss deputies with the above mention constraints

Passed 11th of October 2014.

Article XIV[edit | edit source]

The Board Term Amendment

Authored by The New United States

Second Amendment to the TERM Amendment

Henceforth, Section II:I of the Term Amendment shall read as such: "The term span of Board members shall last two months, effective following the completion of the April 2015 board elections". The text of Section II:II shall, henceforth, be changed from "any span of time between the 20th and final day of each month" to "any span of time between the 20th and the final day of every other month". Ratified unanimously by the Founder, Board, Managers and President on April 30th, 2015.

Article XV[edit | edit source]

The REDS Amendment

Authored by The New United States

Section I

Purpose of the Act

Subsection I

Reassert the inalienable nature of Libertatem's War on Communism

Subsection II

Make necessary modifications to Article VIII Anti-Communism

Subsection III

Guard Libertatem from acts of espionage, treason and terrorism

Section II

Reassert the inalienable nature of Libertatem's War on Communism

Subsection I

We, the people of Libertatem, do swear to march forth unto the end, carrying the glorious ensign of the War on Communism; we do swear that until the very end of Libertatem shall we combat the violent hordes of statism; we do swear that upon all regions that dare oppose our justified cause shall we march, and above all regions that dare stand against us shall we hoist the banner of liberty; we do swear that we shall defend to the last man all regions that are unjustly stricken by the plague that is militant-statism; we do swear that we shall never concede to those who detract from our glorious War; we do swear that we shall march forth in our War, even during times of isolation and inter-regional condemnation. We, the people of Libertatem, hereby declare that Libertatem is the manifestation of the War on Communism. Indeed, we declare that Libertatem is naught without the War on Communism, and the War on Communism is naught without Libertatem. We, the people of Libertatem, rededicate ourselves and our region to the War on Communism and declare that the conducting of the War on Communism is an inalienable responsibility of Libertatem.

Section III

Make necessary modifications to Article VIII Anti-Communism

Subsection I

Henceforth, the following shall be stricken from Article VIII: "Because we wish to further this cause effectively, the capitalist nations will be forced to ally with the fascist nations. In this light, fascist nations will not be ejected from the region, but we maintain this region is inherently capitalist, not fascist. If a fascist nation comes to power, spams, or otherwise disrupts the stability of our region, he or she will be ejected and banned."

Subsection II

Henceforth, the following shall be stricken from Article VIII: "Nations only moderately leftist will be permitted to enter the region without fear of banishment." Subsection III

Henceforth, the excerpt "In case of invasion of our region, all radically leftist nations who are WA delegates will be ejected and banned to insure the security and stability of the region," shall instead read "In case of invasion of our region, any nation aligned with a hostile region may be subject to an ejection and/or ban, at the discretion of the President or the Founder."

Section IV

Guard Libertatem from acts of espionage and treason

Subsection I

Citizens found to have been sent to the region with a predetermined goal to infiltrate the region may be subject to annulment of citizenship, at the discretion of the President or the Founder

Subsection II

A saboteur may only be banned without trial once their citizenship has been annulled

Subsection III

Banjections without trial and annulments of citizenship, when predicated upon Section IV:I, may be overturned by a super-majority vote in the Board, if the Board finds the President's or the Founder's justification and/or evidence unsatisfactory

Article XV[edit | edit source]

The TOTAL RECALL Amendment

Authored by Pevvania on April 30th, 2015.

Type Of Typed Amendment Legislation Reinforcing Electoral Control Amongst the Licensed Living

Section I

Purpose of this Amendment

Subsection I

To be able to hold Board Members to a greater degree of accountability when serving two-month terms

Subsection II

To be able to remove a Board Member from their post without their participation in illegal activities

Section II

Initiation of a recall election

Subsection I

The People of Libertatem may choose to recall a sitting Member of the Board

Subsection II

A recall election may be initiated by at least one of the following methods

Subsubsection I

The petition of half of the registered voters who participated in, either for or against, the election of the Board Member being recalled

Subsubsection II

A 2/3rds vote to recall a Board Member by sitting members of the House of Representatives

Subsubsection III

The Founder seeks a recall election

Section III

Procedure of a recall election Subsection I

A recall election will roughly follow the constitutional procedure of by-elections

Subsection II

When initiated, a recall election will match the sitting Board Member with relevant opponents

Subsection III

The victor of the recall election will serve out the remainder of the recalled Board Member's term until fixed elections begin again

Subsection IV

A recall election of a particular Board Member may be initiated a maximum of three times within a single term